Tuesday 13 March 2018

Soeun narrative writing

The Robot Monster
I am learning to create a narrative based on a image.

As 14 year old Tom rolled out of his bed he stared up at the frosty window. Grabbing the sleeve of his pajamas he wiped the frost off the glass pane and looked at the bustling streets down below his apartment block. Tom was a boy that was short for his age. He was bad at everything apart from creating new things.

Reaching into his plain cupboard he pulled out a crust of plain crunchy bread, for his plain everyday breakfast. Plain was his favourite kind of bread. Tom gulped it down before making his way happily to his workshop where he created his new things. He knew he didn’t have to be there but he just wanted to finish the toy robot he started. Tom realised it was New Year's day in 2060 as he arrived to the empty workshop.

Alone in his workshop Tom finished his toy windup robot he’d been working on for months. He was so proud of himself for making the toy robot , he decided to see if it actually worked. He always failed at the other things he had tried to invent. He plugged his robot in giddy with excitement. Everything was going very smoothly until... ‘Rattle, rattle, rattle,’ Tom suddenly sensed something, he was smelling something like burning rubber.
The robot started to turn huge, and smoke started to come out of it. There was a power surge and every time there was a power surge the robot got more bigger. It took a step towards the boy. The boy screamed, “Stop!” But it was no use the robot was pacing towards him. Everyone was screaming hugging their babies, in a sudden moment the bustling market had no one on the streets.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” Tom screamed like a girl. With the robot’s giant feet it suddenly stomped on Tom and he had to go to a hospital nearby. The doctors and nurses quickly pumped his stomach up. Soon Tom was feeling better but he still had a big scar on where his tummy is. After he got released from the hospital he pushed a stop button on his robot.
Now Tom never goes to that workshop again. He is scared of robots.

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