Friday 6 September 2019

My Sun Poem

This week during writing our class is focusing on sun poems. A sun poem is a poem that has six verses. It has two lines in each verse. The first line of a verse describes the sun as an object, and the second line uses verbs, adverbs and adjectives to decsribe the object you used to describe the sun. This is my poem.

The sun is a lightbulb.
It brightly lights up the sky.

The sun is a ball of fire.
It radiates the gloomy solar system during the day.

The sun is a scorching oven.
It goes way past 210 degrees Celcius.

The sun is a shiny gold gold coin.
It spins continuosly in the centre of the solar system.

The sun is a lemon.
It is sour and yellow.

It is the powerful leader of the solar system.
The sun guides the other planets around it.