Friday 14 June 2019

Water Cycle Experiment

On Friday last week we did a water cycle lesson and a water filtering experiment.  In the lesson we learnt about how water gets cleaned and a little bit about the water cycle. Did you know water takes six hours to get completely filtered and clean! After we got into pairs and tried to make the cleanest water. The dirty water had dirt, newspaper, plastic and oil in it and the materials we got to use for a filter were sand, bark, paper towels and cotton balls. We tried all of these out and then used anything out of these to make the best filter. Me and my partner used cotton balls and paper towels. This is how it turned out.

Monday 10 June 2019

Book Week

This week we had book week. During the week we had author visits from Stu Duval, and James Russel. On Friday we had a book parade the whole school dressed up as their favourite book character. Me and my friend dressed up as Greg and Rowley from the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid. After the book parade we had a literacy treasure hunt. My team didn't place but we still had a great time.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Cross Country

Today we did cross country and I was very excited for my race. In the morning the juniors ran and we cheered for all of them. Then after morning tea, the seinior races started. First the year fours, next the year fives, then finally my race, the year sixes. I did a lap around the school and went down the street. When I ran towards the finnish line I was quite puffed out but proud of myself. I really enjoyed cross country this year!

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Rain In A Jar

On Tuesday we did a science experiment on our inquiry topic, water. We poured hot water in a jar and put a plate on top. The jar started to get very foggy. When we put ice cubes in glad wrap and put it on top of the plate. In a moment it started to rain a little from the plate. It evaporated and condensed and when a hot and cold form of matter meet it precipitates. I really loved this experiment and hope we can do more soon.

Sunday 2 June 2019

Samoan Language Week

This week was Samoan Language Week. We read a myth called The Turtle and the Shark. It is about a woman(Fonuea) and her daughter(Salofva) who lived in Samoa. Once there was a famine and their family left them to starve. They jumped of a cliff and Fonuea instantly turned into a turtle and Salofva turned into a shark. They swam a long way to a island(Vaitogi) and the people there cared for them. In return they stayed to entertain Vaitogi's people. We also did a worksheet. In the worksheet there was map skills, how to count to ten and some creative writing prompts. This is a picture of my worksheet.